E-Commerce Consultant Pricing

How Do You Justify Your Prices?

I have always appreciated full transparency in business.

I choose to be upfront about how and why I charge the amounts I do.

Actual Business Owner

Please understand I am a small business owner first!

Consulting is NOT my full-time career!

I am in the special events industry and I already LOVE what I do.

I transitioned my full service event rental company into multiple, profitable, online stores.

Others noticed my newly minted success and asked me “How?” It was because of their questions and organic interest I started consulting part time.

Believe me, I have plenty of other operational duties & customer deadlines to be tending to instead of helping others in their e-commerce journey.

E-commerce consulting is an optional & fun practice for me.

Million Dollar Valuation

I have personally generated millions of dollars in passive, inbound sales for my special events business.

By hiring me as your online business coach or for e-commerce consulting, you are asking me to step away from my primary bread winning activities.

I am happy to help you, but you must “buy me out” of my current daily money making activities at a guaranteed million dollar valuation. It would be irresponsible of me to invest my time in you & your business needs for anything less.

$1,000,000 / 365 days / 8 hrs = $342.47/hour

I will show you marketing techniques that are worth immensely more than $350/hr.

Cost vs. Worth

I no longer look at the costs of things - I only consider their worth.

Clearing a path in the correct direction of this digital jungle is something I truly wished I had access to when I first started out in e-commerce.

Just a few short years ago, there were no e-commerce experts to turn to.

I cannot stress the amount of investment it took to start to get real traction online:

  • thousands of hours in self-education

  • thousands of hours in executing, experimentation, trial & error

  • tens of the thousands of dollars in new product development

  • tens of thousands of dollars learning from “best in class” agencies

  • tens of thousands of dollars spent in funnels & advertising

E-Commerce is for everyone.

Consulting may not be.

I am not trying to be affordable & accessible to everyone.

I do not offer “done for you” services.

I rather teach someone to fish, than to give them a fish.

My promise to you: I won’t hold anything back.

The truth is - I can offer you an unfair advantage.

Without a a guide, you will be lost in this digital jungle.

Let me be your catalyst to profitable e-commerce.