Advanced Keyword Research Guide: Words That Sell

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The guide is a list of keyword lists and includes over 1,700 relevant keywords, sales concepts, and ideas to find more niche & profitable keywords. The video instruction briefly covers search intent, high intent, medium intent, low intent, best product & service fit, sales funnels, tangible attributes, intangible attributes, product attributes, service attributes, and other ways to sell products and services. This guide does NOT teach How to Do Keyword Research for SEO and/or E-Commerce. It amplifies your existing research techniques for finding maximum profit in keywords.

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Seeking Words That Sell?

Advanced Keyword Research Guide Includes:

  • Over 1,700 Keywords / Phrases / Ideas

  • Over 60 High Intent Keywords / Ideas

  • Over 60 Medium Intent Keywords / Ideas

  • Over 200 Urgent Keywords / Ideas

  • Over 120 Hours of Compiled Research

  • 40min personal video walk-through with me

If you are launching an ecommerce store or a lead generation website, you must sell your product(s) and/or service(s) in specific, niche, ideal, best fit, long-tail way to truly maximize profitability online. It’s hard to generate winning keyword combinations off the top of your head. Sure, you could spend hours thumbing through a thesaurus and do okay, but I have taken all of the man hours and tedious work out of finding successful keywords.

I have personally listed over 600 products and services online, across multiple storefronts, in multiple industry niches. I take what has worked and what hasn’t worked and clearly outline it all into this guide & video to help you understand how to get conversions. Conversions (sales) are what matters most. I stopped focusing on traffic years ago. If you take my advice, be warned, your traffic may go down, but your conversions will go up! Meaning you will be making more money and won’t care. I stopped focusing on traffic years ago and spent my time formulating best fit offers and my income skyrocketed. 75% growth, for six consecutive years. Over $2,000,000 dollars inbound sales. I didn’t buy lists, cold e-mail, pay for ads, I never even picked up the phone once! This kind of laser accurate keyword targeting just plain works!

High Intent Keywords

If you understand search intent, then you understand how important it is to have a "go to” list of high intent keywords that convert.

Medium Intent Keywords

Don’t skip these! These customers / users are one step away from buying, they just need a little bit more convincing. Create resources & information that help push them over the edge and watch how many become your paying customers as well!

Low Intent Keywords

I give you least profitable / bad ideas / keywords & ideas to avoid. Nobody likes a tire kicker. Nobody has time for it anymore. We have to make money online to survive.

Tangible Attributes (For Products)

These are some ideas that activate the (5) basic human senses: touch, sight, hearing, smell, taste. They typically apply to PRODUCTS ONLY . Expanded ideas & keyword lists included.

Intangible Attributes (For Products & Services)

These are typically considered after tangible attributes, hard or impossible to perceive by the senses, but important factors in the purchasing decision process. Often referred to when selling SERVICES , but just as essential to and important to selling products as well.

Keyword Research Guide Table of Contents

Check out what outlines the 60+ pages of content I have compiled for you.